Cohort Hidden
Cohort ID is hardcoded to the current cohort by default. PM needs to update this cohort ID when programs team is ready to close out a cohort and move the recruitment cycle to a new cohort. 

Please select your language.

Not sure whether you qualify for Miller Center’s Accelerator? Let’s find out! 
Answer a few brief questions to find out whether you are a good fit for one of our upcoming programs.


Does your organization fit ANY of the following criteria?

Almost done! Please tell us how to reach you...

Finally, please tell us how you heard about Miller Center...

Climate Resilience Asia-Pacific Program: Specific Information & Screening

This special program is designed to support social enterprises in six Asia-Pacific countries working in areas of climate resilience: 

Social Entrepreneurship at the Margins (SEM): Specific Information & Screening

The SEM program is for organizations that: 
  • Deliver products or services to undocumented migrants, refugees, or human trafficking survivors
  • Provide infrastructure to address challenges facing these vulnerable populations
  • Are led by migrants or refugees.

Food Systems Program: Specific Information & Screening

The Miller Center Food Systems Accelerator is designed to support tech-enabled enterprises that address nutrition, economic opportunity and/or regenerative environmental systems in the agri-food sphere with impact on the African continent. 

Food Systems:
 Is your enterprise focused on improving food systems and/or agriculture? This includes all parts of the agri-food value chain from inputs, to processing, storage, distribution, traceablility and anything between. *

 Does your enterprise have a technology component? This could include the use of mobile solutions, such as for information or market access; digital technologies such as web applications, artificial intelligence, big data; science applications like biotechnology; or an innovative model to scale up "low-tech" approaches like drip irrigation or renewable energy. *

Accelerator Program 
Screenout (hidden)
Screenout Thresholds

Unique screenout thresholds for each cohort undergoing an application cycle. Passing each screen is interpreted as greater to our equal to the threshold. Thresholds should be set in related Salesforce fields in the appropriate Cohort record. 

acceptable options


fulltime emp.



acceptable options
Calls to Custom Code (Javascript) 
HOW TO USE:  to add another criteria - copy of of the existing fields below. In the new field update the Calculation within Options to call the screening function. There are two available screening functions that can be called with the following syntax: 
     where bin is a binary variable field. Use option value = 1 for pass, 0 for fail. 
     "tfa_xxxx" is the id of the checkbox Choice from the Criteria Fall Status field below. Click 'Choices' to find it.
     where bin is a binary variable field. use "1" if there is no binary component for pass/fail.
     val is the variable to be compared. Can be from an input field or assigned value from a radio/checkbox
     operator specifies how to compare (ex: "=", "!=", ">", ">=", "<","<=")
     thr is the variable of the threshold value to compare to
     "tfa_xxxx" is the id of the checkbox Choice from the Criteria Fall Status field below. Click 'Choices' to find it.

Both functions will set the specified Criteria Fail Status checkbox and return a constructed message below with variable threshold and either a red x or green check as appropriate. 

The following field concatenates all the js constructed criteria messages above

Screenout Logic
HOW TO USE:  to add another criteria - just add a new choice to the list with the criteria number as the prefix. (ex: "#criteria7#" ). Under Options, assign a value to the new option according to the following: 
     0 = does not cause application to fail, SE Pipeline Status = "Invite to Apply" 
     1 =  causes application to fail, SE Pipeline Status = "Screenout - Stage (Re-Invite)"
     99 = causes application to fail, SE Pipeline Status = "Screenout - Impact/Focus'
Create a corresponding Response/Email message in the section below that explains the criteria 

Response/Email Message Builder

Pass Message HTML
Congratulations ORGNAME! We would like to find out if we can help you scale. Here is how you can move forward: 

We invite you to complete the full program application via this personalized link (estimated completion time:15-30min). 

Learn More

If you are not ready to apply yet, learn more about our programs first by checking out this video, or visit our alumni search page to find social entrepreneur alumni in your area or sector.

Contact Us

Please reach out to if you have additional questions about the program or your application.

Fail Message HTML
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Miller Center Accelerator. Here are your results. The red checkbox(es) indicate where you do not meet our minimum eligibility criteria.

As you continue working on your business, we encourage you to apply again if the above criteria change. You can stay informed of the next call for applications by subscribing to our newsletter. Additionally, here is a document that highlights several excellent resources we hope will be of value to your enterprise:
Social Entrepreneur Resources

Please reach out to us at if you have any additional questions.  
Pass/Fail Criteria HTML
HOW TO USE:  to add another criteria - copy one from the list below then update the HTML id to match the checkbox list above (ex:  id="criteria7" ). Any variable thresholds should be referenced as 'XYZ' which will be replaced by the variable value by the js message builder.
 Improve lives for those in poverty:
Miller Center exists to accelerate entrepreneurship to end global poverty and protect the planet. We believe that social entrepreneurship is leading the way in transforming markets for good and ultimately propelling us to end poverty. This is the core of our mission and we support social enterprises that share this purpose.

 Operational for at least XYZ months: 
Enterprises who have been operating for less time are generally too early for Miller Center programs.

 At least $XYZ in earned revenue (USD): 
Our programs are best suited for enterprises that have an established business model and impact model. Enterprises with little earned revenue have not yet demonstrated strong product-market fit or shown enough traction with their customers, payors, or recipients.

 At least XYZ full-time paid employees: 
Our programs can be demanding and it may be difficult for solo founders or very small teams to be fully engaged and run your enterprise without the support of other team members. We look for strong teams that bring complementary skills and perspectives to ensure you get the full benefit of our support.

 Cash runway of at least XYZ months: 
Organizations without sufficient cash are often more focused on fundraising to keep the business operating than on participating fully in the program. While Miller Center programs are designed to prepare social enterprises for investment, participants are unlikely to fully benefit from the program if they are in financial distress and focused on the enterprises short-term survival.

 Focused on Women’s Economic Empowerment and/or Climate Resilience
Miller Center supports enterprises that are committed to women’s economic empowerment, climate resilience, or the intersection of both. Neither of these focus areas were indicated in your response.

HTML Checkboxes used in message builder
note that html id set to "redx" and "greencheck" and must be preserved for js message builder

Program-Specific Screenout Messages


Build list of Criteria to display in the application

Screening Criteria
If your business is operational, focused on serving the poor, and you can commit 3-6 hours per week towards working with your mentor through program deliverables, then you may be a good fit for this program.  In addition, this Miller Center Accelerator program is for enterprises that:  

If you meet these criteria, then you will be invited to continue with the full application. 
Contact / Org Hidden
